Author Archives: admin

Guest House featured in New York magazine

WFORA was fea­tured in the Sep­tem­ber 2009 issue of New York mag­a­zine, in an arti­cle titled ‘The Stay­ca­tion House’ by S. Jhoanna Robledo.

Architectural Drawing: Thought, Conviction, Resolution

Work­shop for Archi­tec­ture was fea­tured in a 2008 Ford­ham Uni­ver­sity exhi­bi­tion enti­tled Archi­tec­tural Draw­ing: Thought, Con­vic­tion, Resolution.

MIG Offices featured in Atlas of Office Interiors

Our design for the Mar­itime Intel­li­gence Group offices was fea­tured in the Atlas of Office Inte­ri­ors, pub­lished by Rock­port Publishers.