Brooklyn, NY
This temporary installation was part of the 2005 DUMBO, Art Under the Bridge Festival. Our proposal was to use fog and light to transform the appearance of a corner storefront. We were interested in making a volume or mass out of an ethereal medium.
To contain the fog, a sheet of visquene plastic sealed the 3 foot depth of the storefront space. Within this space, a series of fluorescent lights were placed on the floor. The fog machines were programmed to fill the storefront at intervals of 30 minutes. Set between the glass and the plastic sheets were a series of skewed, white boxes or apertures fabricated to match the angles of the Manhattan Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge. More
As the fog filled the storefront, the appearance of a white wall with window-like openings took shape. Vision through the existing glass wall was reduced to views through the box apertures. For a moment, conceptually, the glass wall became a ghost of its predessesor, the masonry wall with punched openings.